An interview with MTV latino



Alfredo: (in Spanish) Welcome to Headbangers, we're with Pantera during
the Ozzfest tour in the Miami Arena.

Alfredo: It's the first time with you Dimebag, (shakes Dime's hand)
nice to meet you, man.

Dimebag: "What's happening brother!"

Alfredo: You're great at the guitar!

Dimebag: "Thank you."

Alfredo: Thank you Vinnie. (shakes Vinnie's hand) Thank you for giving us
the chance again.

Vinnie: "It's great to be here."

Alfredo: You played in Argentina?

Dimebag: "Yeah!"

Alfredo: How long ago?

Vinnie: "That was like six weeks ago. Greatest tour we ever did, a blast!"

Dimebag: "Awesome!"

Vinnie: "Truly a blast!"

Alfredo: And it was the first time you played in Chile for instance...

Dimebag: "Yeah!"

Alfredo: What did it mean to you?

Dimebag: "It was awesome, man! We got to light-up everybody up in Chile,
and they got to light us up too! It was just a jam session! Into it!"

Alfredo: How did you feel about playing with Kiss? It's like a dream come

Vinnie: "Dream come true! Just like playing with Black Sabbath, man. We
played with Judas Priest back in '90, and it's unbelievable. It's really a
true...true thing, you know. We're into it!"

Alfredo: Tell me about the future of Pantera. I know that there's a live
album coming...a live video maybe?

Dimebag: "We got the along the way the third home video is coming right
now. We just got done mixing the live record one second before we got on
the plane, and came out here to get on this Ozzfest. So we got thoughts two
things lots of new songs, looking forward to just keep kicking
ass, and moving forward, man! In a heavy metal since!"

Vinnie: (exclaims in a load Gene Simmons kinda way) July 29 is the release
date! Simultaneous, video and live album!

Alfredo: (smiles) You sound like Gene Simmons.

Vinnie: (smiles) "I know that stuff..."

Alfredo: (laughs)

-"A New Level" live in the Ozzfest tour in Miami is played

Alfredo: In a way Vinnie told me about the feeling of Pantera playing, and
opening for this Black Sabbath, "The Reunion." What does Black Sabbath
exactly mean to you?

Dimebag: "Hey man, its one of the main reasons I even picked up a guitar
and started jamming, you know. I was into music as a kid, you know,
everything that I heard from outside areas...but then I heard Black
Sabbath! Kiss! That's when I knew I had to make my own record collection.
Cause that was it, man! The heaviest fuckin' sound ever, you know! I was
like, 'damn!' And then now, here they are doing a reunion, here we are's awesome man! Same thing for when we jammed with Kiss. That
was amazing, man! Dream come true, honestly."

Alfredo: You already played one date in the Ozzfest?

Dimebag: "Yeah!"

Alfredo: And how did you feel about Black Sabbath?

Dimebag: "It was awesome, man! I was out there throwin' a beer goin',
'yeah!' Throwin' down to it baby!"

Alfredo: I can believe that!

Alfredo: I want to thank you for taking a band like Neurosis on tour. I
just met the guys and they said, "Pantera gave us the opportunity." How
do you feel about new bands? Neurosis and other new bands that are playing
here in the Ozzfest?

Vinnie: "You know, we like to take a lot of the new bands out cause when
we were an upcoming band a lot of the big bands gave us the opportunity to
go out and play in front of people, and we'd like to return that favor, and
keep it goin'."

Alfredo: Which video do you want us to play?

Dimebag: Let's go for 5 Minutes Alone, baby! (shouts at the camera)
Fiiiiive miiinutes aaaalooooone!!!!

-5 Minutes Alone video is played

Alfredo: What happened to "The Great Southern Trendkill" in terms of
videos? We were waiting for "Suicide Solution," what happened with that

Dimebag: (smiles) "Suicide Solution' is an Ozzy Osbourne song!"

Alfredo: Oh, "Suicide Solution" ....its "Suicide Note!"

Dimebag: (laughs and slaps Alfredo in the back)

Alfredo: It's that I'm in the Ozzy mood!

Vinnie: "It's okay man..."

Alfredo: "Suicide Note"

Dimebag: "Oh well, you know...we weren't getting any videos played so why
spend a bunch of bucks on doing videos. You guys blow it up, and ya'll
stay hard and stuff, but in the States they don't play Pantera. What do
you wanna say, dude?"

Vinnie: "Yeah, I mean, we'll continue to do some videos it's just our
schedule and everything, and the particular music requirements, you know.
We just wanted to do it based on the record and the fans, you know. We
didn't really wanna have to do a video clip or anything like that. We did
the 'Drag the Waters' one, we're real happy with that. Dime did that by
himself actually..."

Dimebag: "Real cheap..."

Vinnie: "...and you know, we'll do some more videos in the future."

Alfredo: What about the next album? There's a title? There's a song?
There's a mood?

Vinnie: "Well, on this new live album, you know, there's two new studio
tracks that we just road recorded, you know."

Alfredo: Two new studio tracks in the live album?!

Vinnie: "Yeah."

Dimebag: "That's right."

Vinnie: "We're not giving thoughts away cause we want you to get the
record, and check it out. I've also got something special that I just
thought of...we're playing in Mexico City on the 15th of July, and Monterey
Mexico on the 16th, and we're gonna try to make it further down South
America the rest of the way before the end of the year again."

Alfredo: You once played Venezuela...that was crazy!

"We played there once, man. We'd love to play there again."

Dimebag: "Fuckin' huge crabs and snakes! It was awesome!"

Alfredo: Yeah, lots of anecdotes...

Alfredo: Thank you very much for your time. (shakes Dime's hand) I heard
you're now going back on-stage...

Dimebag: "Back to rock, baby!"

Alfredo: I mean, I just heard the people asking for Pantera...and when the
guy from Fear Factory said, "Pantera" half of the audience was like,

Alfredo: What video do you want?

Dimebag: "Shit, we're going for 'Mouth for War' man! Yeah!"

Vinnie: "Yeah!"

Dimebag: (shows his fist to the camera) Latino rocks! Let's go!!!